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Rideshare Accidents

The rise of rideshare services like Uber and Lyft has revolutionized urban transportation, offering convenience and affordability. However, with increased use comes a heightened risk of accidents. Rideshare accidents in Maryland present unique challenges and opportunities within personal injury law. Understanding the legal process can help victims secure appropriate compensation for their injuries.

How Rideshare Operations Work

Before looking into the legal aspects, it's important to understand how rideshare companies operate. Rideshare drivers are considered independent contractors rather than employees. This distinction significantly impacts liability and insurance coverage in the event of an accident.

Rideshare Driver Classification

  • Independent Contractor: Rideshare drivers aren't employees of the rideshare company. Instead, they're independent contractors who use the company's platform to find passengers.

  • Company’s Role: Rideshare companies provide a platform for drivers and passengers to connect but generally don't control the day-to-day actions of drivers.

Legal Framework for Rideshare Accidents

Rideshare accidents involve several layers of legal responsibility and insurance coverage, which can be complicated. In Maryland, personal injury law and the specific regulations governing rideshare services intersect, creating a nuanced legal environment.

Maryland’s Personal Injury Law

Maryland personal injury law is designed to provide compensation to individuals who suffer harm due to someone else’s negligence. Key principles include:

  • Negligence: To prove negligence, a plaintiff must demonstrate that the defendant owed a duty of care, breached that duty, and caused harm as a result.

  • Comparative Negligence: Maryland follows a contributory negligence rule, which means if the plaintiff is found to be even slightly at fault, they may be barred from recovering damages.

Insurance Coverage for Rideshare Accidents

Rideshare accidents involve multiple layers of insurance coverage:

  1. Driver’s Personal Insurance: Covers personal vehicle use, including while the driver is off-duty or not using the rideshare app.

  2. Rideshare Company Insurance: Rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft provide insurance coverage during specific phases of the ride:

    • App Off: When the app is off, the driver’s personal insurance applies.

    • App On (No Passenger): When the driver is logged into the app but hasn’t yet picked up a passenger, rideshare companies usually provide liability coverage.

    • Passenger Present: When a passenger is in the vehicle, rideshare companies provide higher levels of coverage, including liability, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, and, in some cases, medical payments coverage.

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Liability in Rideshare Accidents

Determining liability in rideshare accidents can be more complicated than in traditional vehicle accidents due to the involvement of multiple parties and insurance policies.

Driver Liability

In accidents where the rideshare driver is at fault, their liability for damages depends on their insurance coverage at the time of the accident:

  • Personal Insurance: If the driver isn't using the rideshare app, their personal auto insurance will likely cover the damages.

  • Rideshare Insurance: If the app is on but no passenger is present, the rideshare company’s insurance will usually cover damages up to a certain limit. If a passenger is present, the rideshare company’s insurance generally provides more comprehensive coverage.

Rideshare Company Liability

Rideshare companies have a responsibility to make sure their drivers meet safety standards and maintain proper insurance coverage. However, because drivers are independent contractors, holding the company liable can be challenging. Legal theories that might be applied include:

  • Vicarious Liability: Under certain circumstances, companies can be held liable for the actions of their employees, but since rideshare drivers are independent contractors, this theory is less likely to apply.

  • Negligent Hiring: If a rideshare company hires a driver with a known history of dangerous driving, they might be held liable under claims of negligent hiring.

Insurance Coverage Issues

One of the major challenges in rideshare accident claims is managing the insurance coverage provided by both the rideshare company and the driver’s personal insurer.

Insurance Policy Limits

Insurance policies have varying limits, and understanding these limits is crucial:

  • Personal Auto Insurance Limits: Drivers typically have liability limits that might be lower than the coverage provided by rideshare companies.

  • Rideshare Insurance Limits: Rideshare companies offer different levels of coverage based on the driver’s status (e.g., app off, app on with no passenger, passenger present).

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Rideshare companies provide uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage to protect drivers and passengers in the event of an accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist. This coverage can be crucial for victims seeking compensation for damages and injuries.

Steps to Take After a Rideshare Accident

If you’re involved in a rideshare accident in Maryland, follow these steps to protect your rights and guarantee proper compensation:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Prioritize your health by seeking medical care, even if injuries seem minor.

  2. Document the Scene: Gather evidence, including photos of the accident scene, vehicle damage, and any visible injuries. Obtain contact information from witnesses.

  3. File a Police Report: Report the accident to the police to create an official record.

  4. Notify Insurance Companies: Inform both your personal auto insurance and the rideshare company about the accident. Provide them with necessary documentation and evidence.

  5. Consult an Attorney: Due to the challenges involved, consulting with an attorney who's experienced in personal injury and rideshare accidents can be beneficial. They can help traverse the legal process and make sure you receive fair compensation.

Legal Recourse for Victims

Victims of rideshare accidents may seek compensation through various legal avenues, including:

  • Insurance Claims: File claims with the responsible parties' insurance companies. This includes the rideshare company’s insurance and potentially the driver’s personal insurance.

  • Personal Injury Lawsuit: If insurance claims don't cover all damages, victims may file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party. This could be the rideshare driver or, in some cases, the rideshare company.

Types of Compensation

Victims may be entitled to various types of compensation, including:

  • Medical Expenses

  • Lost Wages

  • Pain and Suffering

  • Property Damage

How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

Contacting a personal injury lawyer after a rideshare accident is crucial due to the complications that can arise when managing multiple layers of insurance coverage and liability issues. A lawyer experienced in personal injury law can help you understand your rights, identify all potential sources of compensation, and handle negotiations with insurance companies. 

Given the intricacies of rideshare regulations and the potential for disputes over fault and coverage, having an experienced personal injury attorney like the ones at our law firm at Baltimore Accident Center guarantees that you receive fair treatment and maximizes your chances of recovering the full compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

Reach Out to a Personal Injury Attorney

Rideshare accidents in Maryland involve a complicated interplay of personal injury law, insurance coverage, and liability considerations. With rideshare drivers classified as independent contractors and multiple insurance policies potentially in play, managing these cases requires a thorough understanding of the legal framework. Victims should take careful steps to document their injuries, seek medical attention, and consult with legal professionals to make sure they receive appropriate compensation. As rideshare services continue to grow, staying informed about legal rights and responsibilities is essential for anyone involved in such accidents.

Rideshare Accidents Attorney in Maryland

If you're in need of a personal injury attorney after a rideshare accident, look no further than our experienced legal team at Baltimore Accident Center. We service Baltimore, Pigtown, Fells Point, Canton, Bayview, Belair-Edison, Govans, Roland Park, Central Park Heights, Mondawmin, Charles Village, and West Baltimore. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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